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Cost of living

¾«¶«´«Ã½ enjoys a very reasonable cost of living, which means you can focus your efforts on your study, not your finances.

Median rental figures for a two-bedroom apartment

The below table compares weekly rental costs across several cities based on government data.

¾«¶«´«Ã½* $550 $2,383
Liverpool* $520 $2,253
Sydney CBD* $750 $3,250
Inner Melbourne ** $529 $2,292

*NSW Department of Family & Community Services Rent and Sales, March 2023

**Housing Victorian Rental Report, March 2023

Average weekly cost of living in ¾«¶«´«Ã½

This table provides an indication of weekly living costs for students who rent a room in ¾«¶«´«Ã½. The figures quoted are per person, per week in Australian dollars and should be used as a guide only. Actual costs will vary based on individual circumstances.


Food prepared at home

(& other groceries)

Bills (eg. electricity) Local travel costs

Personal purchases

(internet, social, textbooks etc)

Total cost ($ per person, per week)
Shared 2-bed apartment, ¾«¶«´«Ã½ & UOW area (own room)* 245 95 40 35 120 $535
Shared 3-bed shared house, ¾«¶«´«Ã½ & UOW area (own room)* 210 95 26 31 120 $482
Homestay, ¾«¶«´«Ã½ area (single room)+ 350 0 0 31 110 $491
Kooloobong Village, self-catered, shared unit, Bld37 (single room)^ 290 95 0 0 100 $485
Bangalay, self-catered, (single studio)^ 330 105 0 0 100


Campus East, catered, 2/3-bed shared unit (single room)^^ 325 35 0 0 100


*NSW Department of Family & Community Services Housing Rent and Sales, March 2023
+Homestay 2023 rates for a student aged 18 and over
^51-week contract - UOW Student Accommodation fees for 2024
^^45-week contract - UOW Student Accommodation fees for 2024